So below, I have outlined a quick and brief overview of relevant financial qualifications, that can be undertaken in preparation for a career in each sector of Banking and Finance:
INVESTMENT BANKING (Mergers and Acquisitions/Corporate Finance):
- CISI in Corporate Finance; for those working in corporate finance and related areas, such as venture capital, who need to demonstrate a sound understanding of both regulatory and technical aspects of the subject. Not as much clout as the CFA, but still gain good knowledge and practice.
- CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst); globally recognised and highly-regarded designation symoblizing the highest in professional standards. Three distinct levels. Examinations test your ability to apply investment principles at a professional level. The topics covered are economics, accounting, security analysis, and money management. Popular in large organisations and FSA approved.
- CISI in Investments; FSA approved for individuals working in regulated firms who will be involved in managing investments on behalf of clients, giving advice on investments or selling investments to or on behalf of clients.
- IMC (Investment Management Certificate); An FSA approved threshold competency exam for those working in financial analysis, investment management and fund sales. Testing delegates' knowledge and understand of the regulations and practices of financial markets, categories of securities and principles of investment management. Also offers a good introduction to the financial services industry for those working in support areas as information technology and marketing.
- CFA (refer to previous description above)
- CISI IAQ (Investment Administration Qualification); an open-entry modular examination recommended by the Financial Services Skills Council. Designed to provide settlement, administration and operations staff with an understanding of the industry, the regulatory environment and their specific area of work.
- CISI IAQ (refer to previous description above)
- ACCA: a global benchmark of accounting excellence. Its rigorous exam syllabus ensures technical competence in a range of key commercial subjects.
- CIMA: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants is globally recognised and well respected membership body which focusses on accounting for business. CIMA is the only qualification with a sole focus on this area. CIMA members are finance professionals that also understand the intricacies of managing organisations. Focusing on future success rather than past performance by using financial skills, CIMA professionals help to drive the world's most successful organisations.
- CISI in Corporate Finance (refer to previous description above)
- CISI Diploma in Investment Compliance; specialist qualification for individuals working within compliance, or thoser working within the financial services industry, who wish to increase their knowledge and understanding of compliance. Designed to develop the complicance professional's knowledge and skills in FSA regulation and compliance, as required for the securities and investment industry.
- CIMA (Strategic side of Management Accounting is useful here. Refer to previous description above)
- CISI IAQ (Refer to previous description above)
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